(858) 585-9001
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For the month of July, receive a 15% off discount on Laser Tattoo Removal services *excludes packages*
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LUV Cosmetic & Wellness|1010 Pearl Street, Suite 101, La Jolla, CA 92037|(858) 585-9001

Who We Are

Our Mission

At LUV Cosmetic & Wellness, our mission is to provide our clients with the highest quality of care and attention. We believe in empowering our clients to look and feel their best and are dedicated to achieving the best possible results for each one of them. Our commitment to excellence and passion for beauty and wellness guide everything we do.

Our Results

Our clients are our top priority, and we are dedicated to helping them achieve their aesthetic goals. We take pride in the outstanding results we have achieved for our clients and are committed to continuing to provide the best possible care. 

Personalized Treatment Plans

We customize each treatment plan to address your unique needs and goals.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We utilize the latest technology and techniques to ensure optimal outcomes.

Consistent Follow-Up

We believe in maintaining long-term relationships with our clients to support their ongoing beauty and wellness journey.

Our Team

Our team of experienced and licensed professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care and attention to every client. We are passionate about helping you achieve your aesthetic goals and enhance your natural beauty. With a diverse team of experts on staff, we bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to offer you the best in cosmetic and wellness treatments. 

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